Diffusing conflict quickly!

Apr 25, 2024

When my children present me with challenging language or behavior, my instinct is to defend and explain my position, even though I understand this approach often backfires. Afterall, defence is the first act of war!

For example, if my child says, "You don’t understand how much I hate doing this, and I can’t even talk to you about it," my initial response might be to answer (in a raised tone!) “ that’s not fair, I am always here for you.”  However, I've learned that until their frontal lobes fully develop, this response may not yield the understanding and connection I seek. Instead, it will invite them to respond back from their viewpoint again.


One of the most effective communication tools I have found over many years of training, working with clients and being a mum is to talk to the feelings behind the story. My intention is to look at the meaning behind the words and the behaviour to see if I can find the emotion involved. If I speak to the emotion there is a much greater chance that I will hit the spot, diffuse the conversation and connect with my child. It might look something like this. My child, ‘ you don’t understand how much I hate doing this and I can’t even talk to you about it’ Me, ‘ it looks like this is a really hard situation for you, and you can’t even share it with me. That sounds really lonely.’


Most of the time, in the heat of the moment, a child is trying to convey how they feel. Instead of concentrating on the words, the behaviour and the story, find their feeling and reflect them back to them. It works!


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