Take the plunge!

Feb 01, 2024

At Nixon & Nixon, our workshops and programs prioritize addressing emotional dysregulation through a biological lens, focusing on the body's stress response at the base of emotional dysregulation. “Emotional dysregulation affects the brain and nervous system,” explains Paige Armstrong, psychotherapist. “The nervous system goes into fight, flight, freeze or fawn, and then the goal is to soothe and calm the nervous system so that the person can feel regulated.” 

There are many things that we do in our practise with clients to help with nervous system regulation. One tool that we love is cold water therapy, embraced by our daughters but interestingly not by our sons! Cold therapy proves to be especially effective in regulating big emotions, diverting the brain's attention, grounding individuals in their bodies, and providing immediate emotional relief. Techniques such as splashing the face with cold water or holding ice cubes can contribute to returning dysregulated individuals to a state of calm. Now there are cold tubs that we can have in our own back gardens. Our girls love them and express not only the fun aspect (their woops and screams support this) but also a sense of achievement "if I can do this, I feel like I can do anything." They note a feeling of calm and euphoria that comes over them as they come out.

An article on mentalhealthcenter.com explains “cold exposure causes the body to produce hormetic stress, which serves as good stress as it activates genetic pathways that help in the regulation of life’s stressors. This increase in stress regulation decreases the body’s sensitivity to stress and increases stress tolerance.” 

Regular cold plunging lists a whole host of medical benefits and of course it is important to take precautions when cold-plunging with children.  There are lots of different ways you can get started from holding ice cubes in your hands to running your shower cold in the morning. If like us, you would like a cold plunge in your own home there are many companies now selling these at reasonable prices. We love Submerge Ice Baths. See link below, they currently have some great discounts.

Click here 

Happy plunging.


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