The self connection strategy

Apr 11, 2024

On our journey to support children navigating anxiety and behavioural issues, we note that parents and teachers often amass a toolkit of strategies. Yet, what if the real solution lies not in external interventions, but in cultivating a deeper connection within ourselves?

Initially, this notion may unsettle some adults accustomed with the desire to find solutions for their child. However, this impulse may not only burden us with immense pressure as adults but also could disempower the child. By turning inward, we regain control over our own emotions, thoughts, beliefs, and actions—the only facets over which we really have control.

Could it be that the problem we're so eager to "fix or control" isn't the problem at all, but rather our perception of it? This is where self-connection proves invaluable. To effectively support anxious children & behavioural issues, we must first unpack our own emotional baggage. What biases, beliefs, and judgments do we carry into every interaction? Recognising and regulating our own emotional state is essential. Paul Dix’s book highlights this brilliantly “When the adult changes everything changes.”

Our "Connection Cone" tool helps parents and teachers unlock the power of connection to themselves and to their children. Connection is the most powerful mental health intervention known to mankind. It fuels the parasympathetic nervous system (our rest and relaxation system) and impacts our behaviour, emotions, and health.

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