Children can teach us!

Mar 20, 2024

It was so exciting to hear such an amazing testimonial from a mum this week, whose 6-year-old daughter effortlessly shared her knowledge of Flex-it! our tool designed to help children understand and manage their emotions. This moment signifies more than just a child's grasp of emotional intelligence; it speaks volumes about the innate capacity of our younger generation to comprehend and regulate their feelings, often surpassing that of adults. As the saying goes, our children are our best teachers.

Emotional regulation and understanding can be more challenging for adults due to various factors deeply ingrained within us. From societal norms that glorify emotional suppression to personal upbringing that may have created rigid behavioural patterns, many adults find it difficult to navigate their emotional landscape. Decades of conditioning have led us to believe that ignoring emotions equates to strength, but this approach has consequences on our health. In research, the suppression of emotion is now being linked to disease.

As we witness the evolution of our world—a shift towards sedentary lifestyles, increased stress, and technological dependence—it's crucial to acknowledge the profound impact these have on our emotional well-being, especially for our children who are growing up amidst these changes. Teachers, witnessing first-hand the struggles of emotional dysregulation in classrooms, need more effective solutions.

This is where Flex-it! steps in, not just as a tool but as a catalyst for change in our educational systems. By empowering children to understand their emotions and biology, we aim to bring in emotional resilience and self-awareness that reaches well beyond the classroom and serves our younger generation into adulthood.

Emma and Laura

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