The parent - teacher - child relationship

Mar 14, 2024

This past week has been incredibly fulfilling as we have had the privilege of collaborating with the teachers and parents of another remarkable primary school. The overwhelming positive feedback we've received has only fuelled our passion to continue pursuing our vision of supporting children, parents, and teachers dealing with anxiety and behavioural issues.

What stands out to us is the balance within the parent-teacher-child relationship, which often feels strained in today's fast-paced and stressful world. Despite everyone's best efforts, it's evident that various factors are contributing to it’s strain. We explore the deeper roots lying beneath the surface – emotions, biology, unmet needs, and lacking skills.

Navigating teaching and parenting in a world stacked against us, especially on a biological level, can feel like an uphill battle. We know first-hand the pressure that comes with it, which is why we are deeply committed to sharing our personal struggles authentically during our workshops. By blending our experiences with the science behind behavioural challenges, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding that fosters empathy and connection.

When we shift our perspective to offer the most generous interpretation of behaviour and understand the underlying drivers, we begin to see significant shifts in the parent-teacher-child connection.

Despite the challenges, we are motivated by the belief that our efforts are making a tangible difference. Each interaction reaffirms our commitment to supporting parents and teacher with the understanding of emotions, biology and behaviour for themselves and our children.

 Emma & Laura 

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