Want an easy way to train that increases brain function?

Feb 29, 2024

Can you remember back to the day that you learned about mitochondria? If not, here’s a mini recap. Mitochondria are described as the ‘powerhouse’ of our cells. They make energy for cells by taking oxygen and food and turning it into ATP (energy)This is what I learned at school, but scientists now know that mitochondria are responsible for so much more than this. They can help co-ordinate and control the stress response in the human body. This includes both mental and physical stressors. Mitochondria are involved in making, releasing, and responding to hormones. They are involved in cell growth and differentiation, eliminating old and damaged cells, and maintaining existing cells. And the list goes on.

Now we can say with certainty that the healthier and more prolific your mitochondria, the healthier you are both physically and mentally.

Christopher Palmer in his book ‘Brain Energy’ offers a new model of mental health, suggesting that mental disorders are no longer syndromes but metabolic and mitochondrial disorders of the brain. He asserts that once we understand this, we can treat mental disorders (including ADHD) by normalizing metabolism and the function of mitochondria. Once we start thinking about these disorders through the lens of metabolism and mitochondria, the possibilities for improvement are endless.

So how do we improve mitochondrial function? There are lots of ways and it won’t be a surprise I am sure that most of them are lifestyle related. One way is to increase the amount of zone 2 training you do. I love zone 2 training as it is easy and accessible to most people. Zone 2 training is when you exercise at a comfortable effort that you can hold for a long time without strain or heavy breathing. Roughly 65% of maximum heart rate. Maximum heart rate can be calculated by taking your age away from 220. In this state your body uses both glucose and oxygen to move. Think of a long easy run, walking up hills or a medium pace bike ride. I like to do mine locally by walking up St Mark’s Road and running down St Andrew’s. This keeps my heart in a steady zone 2 state.


Zone 2 training increases mitochondrial density, and it will also improve fat utilization, preserve glycogen and will increase lactate clearance. Athletes will spend roughly 80% of their training in zone 2. So, what are you waiting for?!









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