What if our children are taught to read their bodies as well as they are taught to read books?

Apr 18, 2024


'The number of primary-age children in England either waiting or being treated for mental health problems, including eating disorders, anxiety, and depression, has soared 28 per cent in less than a year. The rise is far higher than any adult age group.' The Times

The escalating prevalence of mental health issues among primary-age children, is an alarming reflection of the multifaceted challenges our society faces. This surge, a staggering 28% increase in less than a year, underscores a pressing need for understanding and action. As we run our workshops engaging with schools first-hand, we are acutely aware of the gravity of this situation, and the pressing inquiries posed by teachers and parents resonate deeply: why is this happening, and what can we do?

The roots of this crisis extend beyond the recent disruptions of the pandemic. While COVID-19 undoubtedly exacerbated existing concerns, it merely exposed and accelerated a complex interplay of factors. From the influence of technology, ultra-processed foods, lack of outdoor play and social connection children today navigate a landscape vastly different from that of previous generations. This array of modern stressors has reshaped their experiences in profound ways.

Yet, amidst this turmoil, there remains hope grounded in understanding and intervention. By delving into the biological underpinnings of anxiety, we gain invaluable insights into it’s manifestations and potential remedies. Anxiety, fundamentally, triggers a cascade of physiological responses, culminating in the body's instinctive fight, flight, freeze, or fawn reactions. Recognizing these reactions as natural, albeit distressing, responses is paramount.

Our approach, rooted in somatic tools, seeks to empower children by equipping them with the knowledge and techniques to navigate their bodies and calm the stress response within them. By modulating biological responses, such as cortisol levels and oxytocin release, we endeavour to instil a sense of control and resilience. While we may not be able to eliminate every external threat, we can empower children to cultivate inner strength and self-awareness.

Emma & Laura

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